Halfway to Baby: 20 Weeks

[Baby's first garage sale - 19wk6d]

Baby's the Size of: a banana! Roughly 10 1/2 ounces in weight, 10 inches in length from head to heel.

Gender: GIRL, GIRL, GIRL!! Can you tell I'm excited?

General Thoughts/Feelings: How in the world are we halfway through this pregnancy?!? It feels like just yesterday I was sick as a dog on my sofa, just trying to keep my lunch down, and now here we are, a bouncing baby girl half-cooked! There are days we still can't believe we're going to be parents, but neither of us has ever been happier. No amount of traveling the world can compare to the joy of growing a tiny human. I never thought those words would leave my mouth, but they have, on multiple occasions these last 5 months. She's not even here yet and I can't imagine loving her any more! It's a heart-bursting season of life around here. 

Food Aversions: None. There's literally nothing I won't eat. Back to being Casey again!

Food Cravings: Still obsessed with all sorts of fruit, salads, gummie bears/sour candy (my sweet tooth has been outta control lately), and Jersey Mike's Veggie Subs (Mike Style--gimme all the vinegar!).

Health/Fitness: I'd like to say I've kept up with some sort of consistent workout routine, but I'd be lying. Since we found out we're moving this summer, I've been so busy and more active than the last year combined (or at least it feels that way some days!). I get home or finish work totally beat every single day. I know I'm probably carrying around more stress than one should while pregnant, so I try to take it easy at night and decompress with stretching. Now that a few house things are out of the way, I should have some extra free time to do a normal workout (the non-cleaning out closets, organizing boxes, and feverishly cleaning house-type workouts).

Doc Appointments: We had our anatomy ultrasound done about a week ago (19wk2d) and Heidi was just a kickin' those legs and waving her tiny arms around like a champ! My mom was in town, so she got to come to the appointment with us and see her grandbaby for the first time (in utero). Watching her watch Heidi was so sweet to see. And baby girl is just perfect! Still a girl (we double checked, just in case), measuring right on track, and all arms, legs, toes, fingers and important body parts accounted for! Praise the Lord!

Weight Gain: 3 lbs. I hadn't gained a single ounce (in fact, I'd lost a couple lbs.) until Vegas happened. When one can't drink in Vegas, one eats in Vegas. And I enjoyed every morsel. ;)

Symptoms: Indigestion has started to rear its ugly head from time to time. Maybe baby girl is finally growing some hair! I've been sleeping slightly elevated at the start of the night and popping TUMS to combat this. I've also noticed my "pregnancy brain" getting worse. I can be laser focused on only one thing at one time. Interrupt me and I have trouble retaining whatever info you interrupted with. It feels weird to be out of control in that way. I hope my attention to detail returns at some point!

Sleep: Pregnancy insomnia wakes me occasionally from 3-5am and I have trouble coaxing myself back to sleep. But most nights I sleep a solid 8 hours from start to finish (with an occasional potty break in between). Naps are less frequent thanks to this second trimester energy surge, but still much appreciated when I have time for them.

Maternity Clothes: I finally gave in and bought some maternity shorts prior to our Vegas trip. I've only worn them once, but the day I did, I fell in love! So comfy, I'm afraid I might never take them off! I also bought a belly band to extend the life of some of my favorite shorts for a little while longer. I have a couple maternity dresses from PinkBlush Maternity, but they're still a little big. Other than that (and one new tankini bathing suit--not sure how I feel about bare-belly beaching it yet), still wearing my same 'ol duds, just starting to fill them out a little more.

Movement?: I've been feeling little flutters (what I liked to call "fish bubbles") since week 14ish, but since our anatomy scan, I've been feeling her kick, roll, and jab me from time to time. Those sweet movements are getting stronger by the day! She seems to be most active right after I eat (as if to say, "thanks for feeding me, mom!") and when I'm relaxing. Definitely my child!

Baby Items Purchased: I can't stop buying sweet little girl clothes! I'm trying to be conservative with my baby shopping, but it's so hard to do when you have house showings (our house in fresh on the market, by the way!) and have to entertain yourself for a hour or two each day. I've also bought a few fun books, but other than that, we're waiting until we get to California to really amp up the baby shopping. We have finished registering (which was exhausting! SO.MUCH.RESEARCH.), so at least that's one baby hurdle out of the way.

Weird Pregnancy Moment: Being told I look "too small" and that "I should get that checked out" by a random old lady at the check-out line in the grocery store. Long story, but I almost lost my s*** on that woman right there next to the Doublemint gum. I mean, really. I realize after age 70 you lose all ability to filter yourself, but telling a 17 week pregnant woman she should get anything "checked out" just based on a passing conversation (one I was having with the cashier, not her, mind you) is just asinine. I knew becoming pregnant would subject me to unsolicited comments and advice, but I had no clue someone would go that far. The whole encounter made me super self-conscious for a day or two there, but I know baby girl is growing just fine and that's all that matters! Side note: the cashier totally threw one of those "ooooo girl, you should KILL HER" looks and I was super grateful. At least someone in that line knew some common decency.

Best Moment Recently: Finding out we are having a little lady at 16w5d. The moment I heard the words "it's a girl," I bounced up to Cloud 9 and haven't come down since! I often say it's the single happiest day of my life thus far. Even better than marrying D (sorry, babe!). I had no idea how much my heart yearned for a little girl until that moment in the ultrasound room. It's a feeling I can only describe as being a little glimpse of heaven. I'm sure the day I lay eyes on her for the first time will trump this moment, but until then, I'm still reveling in the overwhelming joy of having a daughter on the way. ;) God is so good!

What Does Daddy Say?: D is still being a gold star hubby and dotes on me and baby girl every chance he gets. I feel like my love for him grows right along with my belly. He's just the best ever. The last few weeks, he's been talking to Heidi every night before bed...telling her stories about us and giving her what he calls "the low-down" on what life's like outside the womb. It's the sweetest part of my day and makes me well up with tears every time I think about it. Thankfully, he finally stopped talking in a Darth Vaderesque voice after some coaching from me (he wasn't sure how close he should speak or how loud, it was hilarious). He's over the moon about "his two girls" and I can't wait to see her in his arms! 

Looking Forward To: Putting together Heidi's nursery when we get to California, spending time with family (and attending our baby showers!) back in North Carolina in May, and going on our mini-babymoon in 2 weeks!

Thanks for bearing with the blog as I continue to have this aversion to post about anything other than this baby or current life happenings. I've always used this space as a digital diary of sorts, and since life is all baby, moving and California stuff, I feel weird writing about that weekend in Liechtenstein that happened almost 3 years ago. Blog world is so saturated with that sort of thing nowadays, you can find it anywhere. It's Heidi's time now. I'll get back to sharing past travels one of these days and look forward to sharing future travels with baby girl in tow...but for now, if you're sticking around, I love you. You're ride or die...I need more of that in my life. We'd be friends in the real world, bet yo bottom dollar on that.

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