FRESH FACE FRIDAY [& Blog Hop!]: Greatest Trip of My Life

Is it cliche to admit I still count our honeymoon as the greatest trip of my life? Sure, I've traveled all over Europe...I've even done mission work in South America, but nothing compares to going on vacation with your husband for the very first time! D and I got married on a hot summer day in July of 2007 at the ripe young ages of 20 (me) and 21 (D)--hello child bride! When we were planning our wedding, I knew I wanted to honeymoon somewhere tropical and we both wanted to add stamps to our passports. After weighing our options with a travel agent, Jamaica ended up being the perfect spot to do both!

Guys, that vacation. It was single most relaxing, blissed-out trip I've ever taken. If you've ever planned a wedding, you know how stressful they are. We were even crazier planning one while we were still in college! After it was all said and done and we both had those shiny rings on our fingers, we were SO ready to blow off some steam and enjoy some time alone away from all the world. We stayed at Sandals Grande Riviera Ocho Rios Resort and had the best time ever. I had never been at such a luxurious resort (hello, honeymoon penthouse suite and personal concierge!)...all-inclusive, beautifully landscaped, secluded...they catered to our every whim. As two young kids with hearts in our eyes and nothing but the world ahead of them, we soaked up every ounce of pampering, spending hours at the beach day-drinking and every evening dining on mind-blowing meals and dancing the night away. When we weren't mooning over one another by the pool, we did leave the resort to climb Dunn's River Falls (so fun!) and explore Jamaica's Fern Gully. We even squeezed in a couples massage on the pier at sunset one evening. Talk about a dream! Even with the crystal blue water and the warm tropical breezes, our week in Jamaica was most memorable because it was the first time we'd ever traveled without our families--just the two of us. It was the beginning of a new and exciting chapter of life and we reveled in every sweet moment. I remember crying the morning we were rolling our suitcases down the hallway of the resort to go home. I knew no vacation would ever be able to compare. Since then, we've traveled to some pretty amazing places, but still, our Jamaican honeymoon stands out in my mind. 7 years later and I still beg D to take me back to Sandals!

Is there a trip you've taken that still reins supreme in your memory? Write up a post all about it and link it up to the Fresh Face Friday Blog Hop! Don't forget to visit my first two fabulous Fresh Faces below and read where their greatest trips have been! And now, the writing prompt for the next Fresh Face Friday is:

--Share three of your irrational fears--

See you back here September 26th! Happy weekending!



I'm thrilled to introduce Aubrey of the fun travel and lifestyle blog, Adventures in Aubreyland! Miss Aubrey is a self-proclaimed chatterbox, crazy cat lady, avid traveler, & shopaholic currently loving life and living in Nashville, TN. Over on her blog, you'll be treated to fun travel recaps, drool-worthy restaurant reviews, and inspired by her budget-savvy shopping tips. I adore Aubrey's Budgeting Bloggers series--such a neat concept! Head on over and spend some time getting to know this sweet gal today!

Aubrey's Favorite Posts:
My Favorite Posts:

I've loved catching up on posts and getting to know Myla of the blog, The Purple Front Door, this week. Myla is a proud farmer's daughter married to a country boy living in a house with, you guessed it, a purple front door! I love that! Over on Myla's creative space, you'll find stories from the farm, some yummy recipes, and lots of photos of her adorable black lab, Bella. Who couldn't love that sweet doggie face! Go make friends with Myla, y'all!

Myla's Favorite Posts:

My Favorite Posts:

Welcome to the

Hosted by: Casey @ We Took the Road Less Traveled

This week's writing topic: 
Tell us about the greatest trip of your life!

Rules for hopping:
1| Follow your host & co-hosts (first 3 links), pretty please! 
2| Link up your post! Please only link up the FFF writing prompt post...all other entries will be removed.
3| Hop around, meet new bloggers, and leave them love!
4| Have fun? Spread the word and share this blog hop with your friends!
5| Want to be a co-host? Click here for more info! 

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