Bump Watch: Week 37 [& a PinkBlush GIVEAWAY!]

[Items in this post c/o PinkBlush Maternity, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the businesses that support this blog!]

In case you were curious, we're safe and sound in our new home in California (have been for almost a month and a half now--crazy!), we're unpacked, and we're 3 weeks until baby (also #CRAZY). I would have updated you all sooner, but...ahem...see items above. It's been a bit crazy around here, as you can imagine. I really thought I'd be better about blogging my pregnancy journey, but thanks to Snapchat, Instagram, and my own personal journal, I've felt less a need to sit behind a computer screen and type about it all. Freeing, actually. There might be something to this whole "micro-blogging" thing. 

In other news, see that gorgeous floral robe up there? I've basically been living in that thing since the day PinkBlush Maternity mailed it to me. Want a sneak peek into my hospital bag? Well, there you go...that robe will be one of the first things I pack! It's incredibly soft and just darn so beautiful to look at, really. Makes me feel super feminine and as far as the hospital goes, it will likely keep me from feeling frumpy and disgusting post-labor. Perfect for late-night feedings too, I imagine. I'm going to squeeze every ounce of use out of it possible! Want one of your own? It's your lucky day! Head on over to my Instagram and enter to win $75 to PinkBlush! Annnnd...you don't have to be pregnant to win! PinkBlush also offers non-maternity items that are just as beautiful. More info on Insta...so go and win you something fabulous.

Since it's been, oh, 17 weeks since my last Bump Watch post, without further adieu....

Baby's the Size of: a winter melon, whatever the heck that is.

General Thoughts/Feelings: Feeling all the feelings right now. Excited, nervous, terrified, joyful, peaceful, prepared, not prepared...you name it, I rotate through it on the daily. On one hand, I can't stand the wait to meet her...but on the other, I'm nervous about having a human being to take care of and worry about for the rest of my life. I know, we should have thought about that 9 months ago, right? We did, believe me...but as reality sinks in, those moments of doubt bubble up as well. 

I'm also selfishly sad about it no longer being "just the two of us" with regards to D and I. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to add to our family, but I'm still mourning the loss of life as a team of 2. It's a weird feeling. We've had almost 16 wonderful years of it being just us, more than most get before little ones arrive...but I can't decide if that makes this all easier or harder. I know Heidi will bring us more joy than we could ever imagine and I'll get over it once she's in our arms, but let's face it...jaunting off to Napa or LA or Hawaii won't ever be an on the whim event. Our days of throwing a suitcase in the car and jetting off will become slightly more complicated (although we're gonna do it, dang it!). Have baby, will travel, yes? Just things I ponder on when the insomnia hits.

As for labor, I'm only slightly freaking out about it. I feel prepared thanks to our 5 week birthing class and my super supportive midwives...but everyone handles pain differently, so it's hard to gauge how hard this might actually get. I feel like I have nothing to compare it to, so the unknown is...scary. That being said, every time I start to feel the panic rise up, I remind myself that women are doing this everyday, I am built to do this, and the pain will be a mere blip on the radar of my life compared to the sweet gift I'll get at the end. Mind over matter, am I right?

Food Aversions: Not a darn thing I won't eat. Well, except the things I still can't eat. Although I've given up on avoiding feta and blue cheeses. Pregnant rebel here.

Food Cravings: Deli sandwiches...which I can't have. I've decided an Italian sub be my first meal after she's born. That and a spicy tuna roll and glass of wine. If the nurses offered to hook me up to a wine IV while I breastfeed, I'd do it. As far as everyday cravings go, I'm still in love with fruit and my sweet tooth has taken over my daily breakfasts. I used to be a hard boiled egg and toast chick, but these days, cinnamon raisin English muffins have been on my mind non-stop. And Sunday morning banana pancakes have become a new tradition. I'm not mad about it. ;)

Health/Fitness: I've been trying to keep up with walking along with doing some of the stretching and breathing exercises we've been learning in birthing classes. I feel like I've spent this pregnancy more active than normal, but in different ways...all of it mostly centered around moving and unpacking. That whole process took us WAY longer than it's ever taken in previous moves, but I also had an extra person in tow. Going up and down stairs now feels like running a marathon, so doing it 20+ times a day had me beyond exhausted during the thick of unpacking. Braxton Hicks kept me in check though. As soon as they'd amp up, I'd hit the couch. 

Doc Appointments: I have my 37 week appointment on Thursday (they're weekly at this point), but at my 36 week appointment, we got to see little love via ultrasound and confirm she's head down (yay, Heidi!) and nice and comfy along my left side. Explains why I've been feeling lots of rib kicks on my right side. Girlfriend may have a professional soccer career in 18 years. Everything else measuring right on track for my due date and no issues to worry on (thank the good Lord!).

Weight Gain: Total for the whole pregnancy = 17lbs. Not too bad if I do say so myself. My goal was to keep it under 20, so I'm happy even though I've definitely noticed a decline in muscle tone. I'm looking forward to a couple rounds of 21 Day Fix after the all clear 6 weeks postpartum! Also, no belly stretch marks! We still have 3 weeks to go, but I'm optimistic.

Symptoms: That whole idea of pregnancy coming full circle and reverting back to 1st trimester fatigue, hunger, and just feeling not quite that lovely...yeah, I'm there. No nausea or anything of that sort, just plain uncomfortable in too many ways to count. Hard to get up, hard to sit down, belly feels heavy all day, and I still have limited eating and breathing room. My emotions are back on high alert again, but I'm trying to enjoy these last few weeks because it's all gone by too fast!

Sleep: Pregnancy insomnia has worked its way back into my life again. I had a bout of it the beginning of the 2nd tri, but now it has me wide awake from 3am until 5am...and sometimes I never get back to sleep. I attribute it to not being able to get comfortable and turn my brain off. Naps have become an essential part of my day needless to say.

Movement: She's running out of room in there, but every evening it's like she saves all her energy up to give me a slightly uncomfortable after dinner dancing show. D's always telling her to "behave in there!" It's adorable.

Baby Items Purchased: ALL OF THE THINGS. I feel like we're bleeding money at this point. What's one more swaddle blanket?
 Nursery is alllllmost done...just waiting on a few pieces of decor to arrive and we'll be set. 

Best Moment Recently: FINALLY getting to park in one of those "expectant moms" parking spots! I dutifully snapped a photo and felt like I'd completed some sort of pregnancy rite of passage. 

What Does Daddy Say?: That he's so ready for me to stop buying furniture and nursery decor that he has to put together! Bless him, he's been such a warrior picking up my slack, and then some. Lately (as the reality of labor sets in), he's been worried about how he can help me in the delivery room. How to soothe and comfort...what will I want, what will I hate? I keep reminding him he'll likely see a version of me that I'm not sure I've ever seen before myself...so let's just take one moment at a time. We'll figure it all out along the way. Our nightly prayers consist of his hand on my belly and lots of prayers for me, Heidi, and the preparedness of our home and marriage. I quietly pray for him and the changes coming his way. He needs them just as much as I do. So grateful for such an incredible husband to share this journey with.

Looking Forward To: Seeing her sweet face for the first time in the flesh. Holding her. Smelling her. Seeing D love on her. Having my mom in town for 3 weeks (bless her). And getting my body back...in certain ways, at least.

Another memorable moment the last 6 weeks? Our beautiful maternity session with Mallorie Owens Photography. THAT LIGHTING! I still die over it. I've shared a few sneaks on Instagram from the session, but I wanted to share another here to showcase the PinkBlush maternity maxi dress I wore for the second half of our shoot. It was 100 degrees outside that day and this dress was perfect for showing off my then 31 week bump while keeping me cool in that darn heat wave! Now who wants to enter that Insta-giveaway, hmmm? DO IT. More from our maternity shoot to come...someday (my famous last words, huh?).

WHEW! Long post, guys...thanks for sticking 'round. This is likely my final pregnancy update before Heidi arrives, so soak it all in, folks. That's what I'll be doing these last few weeks. CANNOT believe we're officially on baby watch! EEEK! This pregnancy has FLOWN by. I hear the song "You're Gonna Miss This" playing in the background of my mind from time to time...and to tell you the truth, I so totally am.

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