Sailing into Split, Croatia

Our next port of call sailing around the Adriatic Sea was Split, Croatia. For years Croatia had been on both our travel bucket lists. We'd always heard such lovely things about the country and knew we needed to visit before we left the ease of travel that came along with living in Europe. We were lucky enough to have not one, but TWO Croatian ports on our cruise itinerary…and it was safe to say those two ports ended up being two our of favorite stops for the entire sailing.

I took so many photos during this particular cruise. I'm not sure if I was just overly excited about all the incredible destinations we were visiting or if knowing this was our last big European vacation made me a little more shutter-happy than usual. Either way, I had way too many awesome shots of Croatia that I'm having to break our day(s) there down into a handful of posts. Croatia is just too gorgeous to limit the photo bragging! This little smattering of snaps is from our short tender boat ride from the cruise ship to the city of Split. Because our ship was too large to port directly at the dock, all cruise passengers had to take smaller boats (called tenders) to the port. Sort of like a mini-cruise within a cruise. I never complain about being on the ocean...and how could I with these insane views! It was such a beautiful sun-shiny day that the rays bouncing off the water made the sea this stunning blue color and those mountains hovering along the horizon…I can't even. We knew we were in for a treat just from this short boat ride to port. I can't wait to share more from Croatia with you soon!

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