In My 28th Year...

...I vow to not be so hard on myself. I am unique, I am enough, and I am right where I'm supposed to be.

...I hope to see more of the world, whether it be exploring more of my own backyard or traveling to other faraway lands. I won't let travel be a distant friend.

...I vow not to beat myself up when I don't make it to the gym one day, or all week, or all month. While my health is a priority, I won't punish myself or put myself down for not being ready. Everything in moderation.

...I want to try to wake up and make my bed every morning. I did say try--baby steps. ;)

...I want to learn to be more present in the here and now and not so focused on the next big thing. I will have goals for the future, but I won't let them overshadow the beauty of today.

...I promise to tell D how awesome he is every chance I get. He's the greatest man I've ever known. I don't deserve him, but I'm grateful for every moment I've been blessed to share a life with him. I don't want a day to go by without letting him know how much he means to me.

...I vow to be more compassionate of others and their struggles. I want to give more than I get.

...I hope to grow closer and dive deeper into my relationship with God and allow His light to shine through me more than ever before. I will thank Him everyday for His continued presence and provision in my life.

...I vow to love unrelentingly--my husband, my family, my friends, my sweet pup. I want them all to always be aware of how much they mean to me. 

...I hope to continue to blog. It's become such a visceral part of who I am, even when it frustrates me. I hope it continues to be worth the time I put into it each day. And I hope it continues to be a positive piece of my life.

...I will trust in God's plan for my life and the direction of my new career (eek!). I won't let worry and negativity guide my thoughts and actions. No goal is too big, no idea too small.

...I promise to seek the good first and be less quick to judge. No one is perfect.

...I hope to grow stronger--in faith, in patience, in drive & determination, in bravery, in confidence, and in self-worth.

...I won't strive to be anyone other than me. I won't compare, I won't wish for greener pastures, I will be happy with what I have and and the blessings I've been given. No one will steal my joy.

...I also want to be less focused on me, me, me all the time. Less face in my iPhone, less invested in things that feed greed, less concerned with material things...but more in love with character-shaping experiences & more in tune to the needs of others.

...I will work to keep my positive relationships fresh and nurtured. And the ones that are toxic, I won't be afraid to let them go.

...I pray that whatever endeavor I embark on, that I work at it with all my heart and check my doubt at the door. I will not quit. 

...I hope to grow our little family. Maybe not right this year...but someday soon. I want this to be the year I begin to prepare my heart, body, and mind for another new chapter of life.

...I won't be afraid to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. Things aren't as scary as they seem at first glance. I pray the reward is always greater than the fear.

...I want to have more picnics, go on hikes, walk on the beach, throw more dinner parties, frequent coffee shops, wander farmer's markets, volunteer for good causes, worship with fellow Christians, run longer distances, let my creativity flow, watch less TV, read more books, write more meaningful words, cook new foods, and spend more time enjoying the little things that make life so very sweet.

...But most of all, I hope to stay happy, healthy, and appreciative of the life I've been given. We only get one!

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.
-Sammy Hagar-

Bring it on, Year 28!

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