FRESH FACE FRIDAY [& Blog Hop!]: Irrational Fears

I more of a worry wort than most. I tend to gravitate towards the positive side of looking at various situations, but I'm also always on high alert. At any given moment I know Murphy (as in that pesky law no one likes) can strike, so while positive, I'm cautious in nature. With this cautiousness comes many irrational fears. Probably more than I should ever care to admit, but for the sake of using blogging as a form of cheap's 3 of my most irrational of fears. No laughing. I know I'm nuts.

1) I'm terrified of passing out while driving and killing myself (and anyone in my path).
I feel like I have some rational justification for this one...sometimes. Other times, I think I start thinking about passing out while driving and get so worked up about it that I almost feel like it is actually happening. The mind is an insanely powerful thing, y'all. I'm not a stranger to passing out (I've done so at least 4 times in my life thus far), but never while driving. Needless to say, I'm not a huge fan of driving. I can't really put my finger on why, but I'm convinced it's probably the way I'll die. Either that or falling off a building into a pool and drowning. Another irrational fear for another blog post.

2) Long underground or underwater tunnels. 
I'm slightly claustrophobic. Elevators are borderline scary for me at times. So driving through an excessively long underground or underwater tunnel where no light seems to be at the end of it--someone pass me a Xanax. I blame Will Smith and the ridiculous movie Independence Day for this one. You know the scene with the explosion in the tunnel and his whole family somehow magically finds the one tunnel door they could hide behind and not die? Yeah, I'm always looking for that door. Just like airplanes defy the law of gravity, tunnels are just an accident waiting to happen, in my head at least. Oh, and if an underwater tunnel looks leaky (re: you can see moisture or water dripping around it), don't even drive me through it.

3) Open closet doors, or drawers, or any door that someone can come out from behind & murder me at night. 
I can't sleep with our bedroom door open. If a drawer is slightly ajar, it's gotta be closed before sleep can happen. Same with blinds...must be closed. If there was ever a chance for someone to glare at me with devil eyes from one of those open spaces, I'm positive I'd up and have a heart attack. I realize no one could actually fit into a drawer to come out a murder me, but snakes and rats and bugs could be in there. Close it so they can't get out...until morning when all murders and death creatures venture off to some other part of the world and I can freely open things. I also can't sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door...unless it's not the typical side of the bed I sleep on at home. Then, well, I choose the lesser of two evils. Totally legit, right? OMG, I'm certifiable.

Please don't let me be the only one with crazy irrational fears, y'all! Link up your top 3 to the hop today if only to make me feel less insane. Crazy loves company, you know? And don't forget to check out the two mentally stable bloggers below! Come back on October 10th for the next Fresh Face Friday...that is, if no closet killer has gotten me by then. Fingers crossed.

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I'm new to Anna's blog (Slightly Astray) and I must say, what a gal! I've so enjoyed getting to know her and living vicariously through all her wanderlust-worthy adventures. Anna took a leap of faith and left her job for a life of travel. So far, I'd say it's working well for her! She's got a real knack for writing and a fun way of drawing you in with unique stories of her time in Europe, South America, and across the USA. She's got lots of foodie tips to share, so make sure to check out those posts, too! If you love to go on "virtual vacations", don't miss getting to know Anna today!

Anna's Favorite Posts:
My Favorite Posts:

Ever wanted to travel to Iceland? Love the idea of exploring Scandinavia? Then Melanie's blog, A Tale of Wanderlust, is one you should be reading! Melanie is a German native and avid traveler just fresh off a stent of living & studying abroad in Norway. Not only will you find beautiful recaps of her travels on her blog, Melanie also shares heartfelt peeks into her life as well as some lovely photos revealing what it's like living as an expat. I also love seeing some of the Germany adventures she posts! Makes me miss Germany a little bit less. :) Make friends with Melanie today, y'all!

Melanie's Favorite Posts:
My Favorite Posts:


Welcome to the

Hosted by: Casey @ We Took the Road Less Traveled

This week's writing topic: 
Tell us 3 of your irrational fears.

Rules for hopping:
1| Follow your host & co-hosts (first 3 links), pretty please! 
2| Link up your post! Please only link up the FFF writing prompt post...all other entries will be removed.
3| Hop around, meet new bloggers, and leave them love!
4| Have fun? Spread the word and share this blog hop with your friends!
5| Want to be a co-host? Click here for more info! 

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