Coffee Talk v.9

  • Even though the PSL is back, Disney World is decorated for Halloween, and our friends still in Germany are back to wearing sweaters and boots, the weather in Florida makes it clear summer is still alive and suffocating here. I'm convinced fall might not ever come. Someone tell me I'm wrong! I don't think I can live here if it never feels like fall.

  • So, I think we're going to plan a trip to Vegas after the New Year! Neither D nor I have ever been and we kind of feel like it needs to be a checked box on our bucket list sooner rather than later. For those of you who've gone, what's the best reasonably priced hotel on the Strip? Any must-see sights/activities/restaurants?

  • Germany feels like it was such a long time ago. Maybe not years, but more than just 2.5 months since we left. Our life in Florida is so different from our life abroad, it's almost uncanny. Like polar opposite lifestyles...but still such an important, defining piece of our life puzzle. We talk about Germany almost daily and still can't believe those 3 years happened. Such a sweet chapter of our story, but we settle deeper and deeper into our new American life each day. I hope Germany won't feel so far away forever.

  • Speaking of Europe, I've finally set up my iMac and I'm ready to get back to sharing more of our travels! I used to be overwhelmed by the thought of being so backlogged with travel posts, but now that we're no longer abroad, I'm thankful for the opportunity to relive those trips with this blog. Question is, what trip to post about first?!? Weigh in...would you want to hear about our recent Adriatic cruise OR the Baltic cruise I never speak of? I have a feeling I know the answer to this already. ;)

  • Please tell me you all have watched this video? I've never had my wisdom teeth out, but if I ever do, I'm positive I'd be like this kid. The flag waving? The Papa-bear chair? I almost peed myself. Also, do all men get super emotional after anesthesia? Because every video we watched after this, they all cried. Anesthesia= truth serum.

  • Three things I hate about Florida: the humidity (and the constant sweating it induces), toll roads to Orlando, and driving in torrential downpour (re: monsoon) rain storms.

  • I am so ready for fall TV to start back up. Re-runs have become the bane of my existence. Is it weird that I'm really excited to watch the Duggar wedding? That family fascinates me.

  • We currently have no idea where in the world D's car is. Seriously. We shipped it from Germany on June 20th and haven't seen it since. All those articles you've read online about IAL (a.k.a the worst vehicle shipping company in the world), military car losses/damage/delays, and the 5 million dollar class-action lawsuit against them...yeah, we're caught in that crap storm (although not a part of the lawsuit...yet). We're now 30 days over the date they said our car would be back in our hands...with no end in sight. Frustrating barely begins to describe this situation. Thankfully, IAL is paying for D's rental car IN FULL (praise the Lord!), but not knowing where our car is located or when we'll see it again is becoming pretty scary.

  • Raise your hand if you watched the Unofficial Saved By the Bell move this week! Raise your hand if it majorly disappointed you. [[RAISES HAND!!]] I was expecting it to be much more telling and whole heck of a lot juicier than it was. I think Dustin Diamond has gotten soft. Seems like he produced the movie to get everyone to feel sorry for him, but then made it seem like he really did love being Screech at the end of it. Confusing. Even so, now I'm itching to watch the entire series all the way through...including the College Years. #zachandkelly4eva

  • Now that all our boxes are unpacked and everything has found its new place, we're excited to start making a few changes to the house. Home ownership has proved to be lots of fun, but also so much work! Even in a turn-key house, there's things we'd love to make just a smidge better. I foresee custom closet organization, fence building, and other various home improvements as the new norm for holiday gift giving for Team Cote. Happy birthday! Here's a fertilized lawn!

  • DON'T FORGET!! Write about the greatest trip of your life and link up your post to the Fresh Face Friday Blog Hop THIS FRIDAY! First trial run of a prompted blog hop...hope to see lots of new faces and read some amazing stories! Meet you back here in 2 days!!

What's new in your world this week? Chat it up!

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