FRESH FACE FRIDAY [& Blog Hop!]: Meet Jess & Morgan

Happy Friday, friends! Welcome back to Fresh Face Friday!'s been awhile, right? I'm excited to finally have my blogging grove back and thankful to still have interest in this fun sponsorship I created oh so long ago! So, THANK YOU for sticking with me through this extended transitional period in my life. I know I've said this a hundred times before, but I have THE greatest readers in all of blog world! You guys make this space so much fun for me...and so hard to stay away from for too long!

How about a quick life update, shall we? We still don't have our stuff. Day 52 and counting. I sound like a broken record, but goodness...I WANT MY STUFF! Nay, we NEED our stuff. Moving to Germany, we were without our belongings for much longer, but we were also staying in a hotel with a real bed and per diem. You have no idea the different those two things make in a move. Moving back home has had us much more displaced and unsettled than moving to Germany did. Which still totally blows my mind, but it's true. Sleeping on an air mattress is the total pits. Cooking make-shift meals in the microwave or in the one pot and pan we have in the house is getting old, real quick. And eating out just isn't an option day in and day out. The Air Force doesn't give extended per diem on this side of the move...only abroad. Makes no flippin' sense. Granted, we do have this beautiful home to hang out in, but it's like an empty shell that just keeps our heads dry and our 4 pieces of furniture safe. We're all kinds of restless...and to add insult to injury, we still don't have D's car. He's basically fit to be tied, as you can imagine. We lived as a one car family for almost 3 years in Germany, but that's just not feasible here in America where public transportation is WAY different and we're not just a short walk from a large downtown area anymore. These things may not fall under the typical realm of reverse culture shock issues, but they've made moving back from a foreign country incredibly difficult. We've tried keeping a positive attitude and making due with what we've got (and taking mini-vacations to hotels with plush bedding to keep our sanity intact), but we're coming to the ends of our ropes here in the Sunshine State. There's only so much pacifying a sandy beach can do.

Anywho, enough bellyaching from me. Keep us in your prayers, won't you? As for your Friday...I hope it's off to an awesome start! Make sure to visit the two fab bloggers below and link your own creative space up to the Fresh Face Friday Blog Hop! The next hop won't be until August 22nd, so don't miss your chance to meet & mingle this week. Be on the lookout for the new link-up writing prompts to start in September (more info to come)! Enjoy your weekend, everyone!



Mrs. Beer is back! And I'm always thrilled to have her! Jess is a loving wife, mama to an adorable tot named Abbie, and a life-loving blogger just trying to share her story. Over on her aptly named blog, Being Mrs. Beer, you'll read thoughtful posts on motherhood, catch glimpses into Jessica's everyday life, and just melt over the sweet stories she shares about life with a rambunctious little girl. Jess writes with all her heart (even about the tough stuff), so make sure give her space a good look, friends. She's a great one to add to your reading list!

Jessica's Favorite Posts:
Working Mom Woes
From Girls to Women
Celebrating Small Changes

My Favorite Posts:
World Breastfeeding Week & Our Story
Shrimp Tacos
A Day in the Life


It's no surprise that I love sharing avid travelers with you guys--Morgan, of the fun-loving blog, The Misadventures of Morgan, is no stranger to getting out and experiencing the world around us. A Wyoming native, Morgan has lived abroad in Brazil, Germany, and Australia all before the age of 21! Lucky duck! Over on her creative space, you'll find recaps from her travels, throwbacks from her time living abroad, and peeks into her everyday life as a student finishing her undergrad degree. There's lots more to learn about Morgan, so head on over and get to know this girl-on-the-go today!

Morgan's Favorite Posts:
What Kind of Blogger are You?
Tales of a Traveler: What I Wish I'd Known Before Moving Abroad
The Importance of Positive Self Image

My Favorite Posts:
Making Friends in a New City
What Brazil Taught Me About Living in Australia
Five Places Within Five Years


Welcome to the

Hosted by: Casey @ We Took the Road Less Traveled

Rules for hopping:
1| Follow your host & co-hosts (first 3 links), pretty please! 
2| Link up your blog's homepage or Bloglovin' page.
3| Hop around, meet new bloggers, and leave them love!
4| Have fun? Spread the word and share this blog hop with your friends!
5| Want to be a co-host? Click here for more info! 

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