Anchors Away!

Once again the time has come for D and I to hop aboard a cruise ship and sail away! I would be lying if I said this cruise wasn't the most needed vacation we'd ever booked. With all the moving chaos that's been circling around us over the last month and a half, the thought of spending the next 15 days without the sight of cardboard boxes or talks of out-processing appointments is a welcome change. While most would probably shudder at the stress of booking a long vacation right in the middle of such a big event, we've been able to knock out big chunks of of the moving process before our sail date, so our load won't be quite as heavy when we return the beginning of June. Don't get me wrong, it'll be full speed ahead in June, but all important plans have been made and various moving scenerios accounted hopefully there won't be any major roadblocks as our time in Germany comes to a close. As go, go, go as we've been these last few weeks...and as go, go, go as we'll be upon returning from cruising (and even through August when our household goods finally arrive to Florida...ugh), a little rest and relaxation before the brunt of the storm sounds like heaven right about now.

While I'm away from this dear blog of mine, I've scheduled a handful of travel posts I've been procrastinating about for months. Years, even. It felt pretty great to get them all sorted out and ready for the sharing. Nothing like a big move and vacation to kick my butt into gear! I've also got 4 FABULOUS bloggers who will be guest posting for me while I'm away. These ladies really put some great thought and hard work into cultivating wonderful content for my space, so please don't forget to show them some love over the next 2 weeks! Without them, I'm sure I'd be much more stressed out about going on blog hiatus. It's in very loving and capable hands!

Think you'll miss me too much these next 2 weeks? Don't KNOW I'll be all over Instagram, posting a slurry of photos of our entire Adriatic dream cruise. Be sure to follow along (@CaseyCote or at the super sweet hashtag #cruisingwiththecotes) so you don't miss a single second of our last big European vacation! For now, at least. You know we won't be able to stay away from Europe for long! Anywho, off to the airport we go! 
Next stop, VENICE! Arrivederci, friends!

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