Coffee Talk v.7

  • Why didn't you guys tell me that running a blog and planning a transatlantic move are two things that don't actually play well together? Last time I did this moving abroad thing, my blog was an embryo…today it's a full-grown needy teenager screaming at me because I'm neglecting my own flesh and blood (so to speak). I'm behind on EVERYTHING blog related and while I won't apologize for living life, I do apologize if it seems like I'm drowning. Hint: I am.
  • Speaking of the move…the process of moving stateside has been 10 times simpler than it was coming over to Germany. After our assignment dropped, we got our official orders in 10 days. 10 DAYS! Unheard of in the military realm (at least for us). Pack-out is scheduled, flights are booked, and there are piles of organized junk dotted all over our apartment. I'm still overwhelmed with all there is to do, but it's all much less foreign to me, if that makes any sense.
  • Remember how I said they would be dragging me kicking and screaming out of Germany? I'm now to the point where I'm kicking and screaming to go to Florida. I'm confused about it, to say the least. I'm still really going to miss Germany, but I think I'm ready to go. The finality of it all has set in and I've made peace with close of this chapter of our lives. I've checked out, if you will. More thoughts on this to come, probably.
  • I've officially pinned 1,000 pins onto my Good Eats Pinterest board. I wish I could say I've actually made all 1,000 different dishes, but then again, I'd likely be 1,000 pounds if I did. Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to shopping at Publix and cooking in an American sized oven again?
  • I'm afraid my Instagram feed is going to turn into one big unashamed advertisement for beaches and Disney World. We've already planned a Disney visit 2 weeks into being Floridians. Seems like the natural order of things. Hope you guys like sand and Mickey! #dontleaveme
  • I'm getting my hair cut at a German salon for the first time tomorrow. Over the last 3 years, I've been able to plan my trips home to include hair appointments with my usual gal…but since we leave Germany so soon (and I NEED a cut/color), I bit the bullet and made an appointment with the supposed "best in town". I'll keep you updated…unless I end up looking like Chewbacca. In that case, you'll never see me again.
  • Raise your hand if you saw the next to the last Parenthood episode (SPOILER ALERT-the cancer thing) and bawled your eyes out like a little baby? I did. D did. It's literally the only show we watch that is able to produce such raw emotions out of us both. D keeps saying he doesn't want to watch it anymore and then I catch him looking up from behind his laptop with one sullen tear on his cheek. That's my boy. 
  • This makes me excited. I'll be at that Mansion place all.the.time. And #22 confirms exactly why we were given this assignment after Germany. Didn't want us straying too far from our current comfort zone, I guess. ;)
  • We've been to 7 out of the 11 countries featured in Epcot's World Showcase in real life. Ok, I'll stop talking about Disney World now.
  • This week in blog land: I loved this post by Helene…this post by Rachel (#4 and #6 speak to me)…and this post by Emily (some powerful honesty…I just wanna hug her!).
  • Anyone have a favorite sunless tanner? They stopped making the kind I used to use and are sold out of the other stuff I really love, so now I'm in the market for another something new. It's hard being a girl. Suggestions welcome!
  • I've got a new favorite Instagram feed. If you've never visited @BevCooks, you've GOT to see her adorable twins…and the hilarious captions she comes up with. She's witty, has cute kids, and can cook up a storm. I want to be her best friend. Also, her blog is awesome.
  • 22 days until our last European cruise! It's going to be a much needed vacation…the calm before the moving storm, if you will. As soon as we step back onto German soil post-cruise, we'll have 3 weeks full of packers, movers, appointments, and hotel living before it's 'bye-bye Germany' time. I plan on taking full advantage of every rest and relaxation opportunity we get onboard. We might not even get off the ship for one of our 10 stops. GASP! Who are we?
  • On a somber-ish note, my grandma had surgery a few weeks ago to remove the cancer she was diagnosed with recently. Thankfully, surgery went well and they believe all the cancer is gone (praise the Lord!), but she's still got a long road to recovery. Age is a tough thing to battle when trying to bounce back in a timely manner. In addition, my Aunt was just diagnosed with MS after a scary few days of unexplained seizures. Prayers for her and my grandma would be much appreciated! I'm looking forward to coming home and getting to hug them both soon!

What's new in your world this week? Tell me something I don't know.

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